Federal isn't just another supply house—we deliver customized solutions and provide ongoing support to ensure your boiler and equipment are properly maintained. Since 1918, our commitment to service and expertise, both before and after the sale, has been our hallmark. With strong, long-standing relationships with the factories we represent, we proudly offer what we believe is the industry's top equipment. Reach out to our knowledgeable sales team to find the perfect solution for your needs
True Flame Safeguard
We offer the Honeywell RM7800 Family of Flame Safeguard Controls that include
FM listed and SIL-3 certified for the process
Electronic flame scanners—no more ‘burn-in’ issues
Safety shutoff valve proving sequencing “VPS” block and proof logic
Larger Burner Mgmt. Systems
Our large burner management system includes a touch screen operator interface. This gives you the ability to control:
Integrated process temperature control
High temperature latching limit controller
Expanded alarm and diagnostics
Temperature process trends
Small Burner Mgt. Systems
Federal Corp’s small burner management system support
Process temperature control
Expanded alarm and diagnostics
On-board real times and historical trends (30 days)
Wired, ethernet, wireless satellite or radio communication for remote interface
Safety valve and fuel train components
Additional Services
Every system has complete "On-Board" system diagnostics.